Dr. Jitesh Sharma MD
Dr Jitesh Sharma MD (Hom), has undergone extensive training, which includes training at Professor George Vithoulkas International Academy of Classical Homoeopathy in Greece. He has been mentored by Dr Rajan Sankaran, Prof Dr Pradeep Gupta and over thirty- five eminent teachers worldwide.
He runs help groups on social media to discuss case failures and provides help, guiding young homoeopaths and encouraging them.
He has presented various papers at international conferences such as LMHI and AYUSH DUBAI. He provides clinical training for students and doctors at his hospital; JDS Homoeopathic Hospital, Odisha. He has taught over 400 materia medica remedies in his online workshops and has published many articles in online homoeopathy journals. He has received multiple awards for Excellence in Homoeopathy and runs a podcast channel called "Homoeopathy & Acutes by Dr Jitesh Sharma" where he shares his learnings. For more details and online workshops, please visit Dr Jitesh Sharma's website at www.Drjitesh.com.