Dr Sahani is the first PhD from MUHS His father is Late Dr.Bandhu Sahni, a popular physician who discovered Transmission of Homoeopathic Drug Energy from a distance. Dr.Sahani has extended the discovery of his father to great extent.Organization Associated With: G.D.Memorial Homoeopathic Medical College And Hospital And Chairman; Research Institute Of Sahni Drug Transmission & Homoeopathy.Dr.Sahni’s perfectionist nature led him to work tirelessly. He never retires until the work is completed. He had various activity related to Homoeopathy and was deeply involved in the foundation of Research Institute Of Sahni Drug Transmission & Homoeopathy at Patna for which he was the founder Managing Director and later on took up the highest position of it as Chairman. RISDTH flourished and now established as non Govt. Organization working basically for the research and development of Homoeopathy.He was born on 17th September 1952, had his schooling at St Xavier School Hazaribagh, Jharkhand and graduation (B.Sc) at A.N. College Patna He completed his DHMS course from Bihar University and MD (Hom) from S.K.H.Medical College & Hospital. Beed Maharastra. He is the first PhD from MUHS His father is Late Dr.Bandhu Sahni, a popular physician who discovered Transmission of Homoeopathic Drug Energy from a distance. Dr.Sahani has extended the discovery of his father to great extent.Presently Dr.M K Sahani is the only expert for the TRANSMISSION OF HOMOEO DRUG ENERGY FROM A DISTANCE.Recently his article is published in international peer review JOURNAL OF CRITICAL REVIEWSPECIALITY IN CHRONIC CASES